Article By : Klesti Dumani , Chris Castillo
During the 31/05 of this year, the exposition M'ARTE took place in our institute , as the first exhibition that marks the start of an upcoming annual tradition of E.Torricelli High .
The captivating atmosphere of the exhibition composed by multiple elements crafted by our own hands was able to attract and enchant a great number of people.
The exhibition was composed by :
⦁ multiple wonderful images of insects and microorganisms taken by us students from our microscopes in school;
⦁ 2 big screens palced around the exhibition , one with our students projects recreating Primo Levi's Carbon story in different unique ways , and the other with all of our booktrailers of differnt books always done by our students;
⦁ a calculated real life scale of the solar system built along a corridor of our school;
⦁ presentations of a PCTO considering geological sites in rome .
Each and every one of these projects give a clear view of our generations involvment and conscience of our ecological knowledge and show our own commitment in our enviroments favor.
Our knowledge of our enviroment to the molecular level is the key to improving any crisis we can find our ecological ecosystems in , with our knowledge we can improve our understanding of ecology and what we displayed on the exhibition was a base, a pillar that we start building our knowledge from.
So this exhibition wasn't only a simple, fun school activity , it was also a building block for our future as students and it showed our will to be involved in ecological matters as the future generation of our world.
This is how we bring forth to everyone our will and our passion to make changes for the better to our world and our enviroment, how we bring forth our achevements as students in the fields that we're have worked in. So that's why this exhibition was very special , it was put out into the world with a piece of our soul built in , our students and our teachers blood, sweat and tears have beutifully stained all of this exhibition and we're all very happy with our results.