
                                                                          Article by: Alessio Bibes Ricasa


Rio 2 is a sequel to the Rio franchise and talks about the human impact that leads to the extinction of the blue macaws. At first glance, the movie is about reuniting the blue macaw family, but this movie holds a secret and more powerful message. 

Link between the real world

The rainforest contains some huge lands which corporations will try to profit off. Many of you probably don't know, but the blue macaw was once a species used to roam our earth, but the deforestation of their specialized habitat caused the extinction of these beautiful creatures.


More than just one species

According to National Geographic, Eighty percent of Earth's land animals and plants live in forests, and deforestation threatens species including the orangutan, Sumatran tiger, and many species of birds. Removing trees takes away from the forest a portion of its "roof", which blocks the sun's rays during the day and retains heat at night.

We need to protect our flora and fauna

Our forest's continuing mass destruction will catch up to us sooner or later; we should preserve and control deforestation. The countless number of creatures getting harmed in the process should also get more recognition and be studied more before jumping into cutting down trees.

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